Welcome to the Oregon Brooklyn Optimist Club
Encouraging Youth
By providing hope and positive vision, Optimists bring out the best in youth, our communities and ourselves. To futher this mission, the Oregon Brooklyn Optimist developed and maintain the Star program that recognizes youth from Elementary through High School who exhibit optmistism and care for others.
Shining Stars
Twice a year, teachers, administrators and other staff at Brooklyn, Netherwood Knoll, Priarie View, and Forest Edge Elementary schools select several students in each grade who exhibit the the following: Optimistic outlook in school and life, Community and school citizenship, Support for others, and Academic progress. Awards are given out in front of their peers, often as a surprise to the students. Family members often attend the ceremony
Middle School Rising Star
Since 2009, teachers, administrators and other staff nominate several middle school students to be a Rising star based on the following: optimistic outlook in school and life, community and school citizenship, support for others, and academic progress.. The students are honored at a breakfast with their peers for their optimism and care of others.
Senior Star
Each year teachers, administrators and other staff nominate 10-12 OHS seniors to be honored as a senior star. Nominations are based on how they show optimism in and out of school, how they encourage and support others outside of their circle of friends, and how they contribute towards the development of youth in the community. The students, their families and the nominating teacher are invited to attend a short ceremony at a monthly Optmist meeting.
Ina and Maynard Stoehr Scholarship
Every year the Oregon Brooklyn Optmist award a $1000 scholarship to a graduating senior at Oregon High School. All Senior Stars are eligible to compete for it by writing an essay about how optimism is present in their life, their community or school citizenship, how they encourage and support others outside of your circle of friends, and how they contribute towards the development of youth in the community. A panel of optimists blindly grade the essays to select the scholarship winner. Year after year, the choice is very hard as each is deserving.